The movement of the heart is the Spirit’s transformative action within a believer which brings to birth a new person in Christ ...
Read moreCreatureKind Corner: What Does Jesus Say?
Introducing the CreatureKind Corner, a series where we’ll answer questions submitted by readers about Christian theology and animal protection.
Read moreWhy Give to CreatureKind?
We think we’re doing something special at CreatureKind. We are advocates for animals from within the church! Our founder is David Clough, Professor of Theological Ethics at the University of Chester. Our co-director, Sarah Withrow King, is the Deputy Director of the Sider Center on Ministry and Public Policy at Eastern University. Our volunteers are deeply faithful Christians who have dedicated their lives to service.
Read moreA Spirit-filled Church for All Creation
This Pentecost, let's open ourselves to the disruption of the Spirit that expands our Gospel mission. Let's take even more seriously what it might mean to proclaim the gospel to all creation. Where might that lead us?
Read moreAre Farmers to Blame for Factory Farming?
The problem with these systems is not malicious farmers, but production and retail systems that produce animal products for sale at a price that is wholly incompatible with a good life for the animals unfortunate enough to be caught up in them.
Read moreWorshipping Together: How to Include "Animal People" in the Life of the Church
I cannot tell you the number of people I’ve spoken to in person and online who slowly drifted away from the life of the faith after becoming concerned with the way the world treats animals today.
Read moreHow to Become a Vegetarian Family in Three Quick and Easy Steps! or, more accurately, How One Family Gradually Became Vegetarian Over the Course of Five Years
After much discussion, we agreed that a vegetarian diet would be a great reflection of pacifism: one might respond to Jesus Christ’s completion of sacrifice by trying not to rely on killing animals to provide for one’s own thriving.
Read moreA Hand Like a Nest, a special guest blog by artist Michael Cook
In the saints I have found images of human tenderness towards creation that make no rational sense, going far beyond mere ecology, as the Sermon on the Mount goes infinitely beyond ethics.
Read moreEat Vegan, Save the World?
But as the church, our job isn’t to save the world. Our job is to stop, to look for the reconciling work of Christ, and to join that—to pray “thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”
Read moreWhat Will These Animals Do?
What will all of these animals do—
The bulls and the rams,
The cows and the sheep,
The pigeons and the goats,
And the lambs—
Now that sacrifice has been abolished?
Will they return home,
To tell the good news,
To the hawks, wolves, and camouflaged hunters?
Their joyful songs echoing through the valley,
Each one worshipping according to its kind,
Praising their redeemer.
After all, Jesus took their place—
Not ours.
Will they come to the table,
And receive the bread and wine,
The gifts of grain and fruit?
Will they join us at the love feast,
"Every green plant for food"?
Or must they too, wait patiently?
Eyes cast heavenward,
Flesh groaning for redemption,
Praying “Father forgive them"
Still interceding.
About the author: Matthew Morin worships with Milwaukee Mennonite Church.