Unexpected Gifts

And it all started with a choice. A choice to listen and to suspend judgement. A choice to follow the line of questioning, wherever that would lead me. A choice to abandon my blissful ignorance in pursuit of a more authentic and gospel-rooted life.

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CreatureKind Corner: Why do Animals Suffer? One Response and Three Recipes

Why do animals suffer? It’s a big question—an ancient, continuing, and persisting question. We have no divine FAQ page about God’s intentions. We have no single, simple, satisfying answer. As humans, we are bound to the limits of our creaturely capacities to interpret scripture, but we can do so in conversation with the church’s rich heritage of teachers, preachers, ministers, and heroes of the faith. 

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Are Farmers to Blame for Factory Farming?

The problem with these systems is not malicious farmers, but production and retail systems that produce animal products for sale at a price that is wholly incompatible with a good life for the animals unfortunate enough to be caught up in them. 

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